Access to all texts on the site

Texts are available only to friends of the site. In order to become a friend of the site, it is enough to sign up for my email list.

ENTRY for friends of the site ======>

To enter, it’s enough to enter the email address you used to sign up for the list or a magic word (password in pagan language). Once you sign up, you’ll be able to read texts for years.

When do you have to re-enter the magic word? When you delete cookies, when you change your device or when you use Safari instead of Chrome, for example.

If you are already a friend of the site, enter your email address or magic word.

Become a friend of the site easily!

If you like the texts I write and want to become a friend of this blog, sign up for the email list, you will get access to the entire site and all the texts. Of course, everything is completely free and there is no spam. After registration, you can use your email address to enter the site..

You will receive the magic word later via email and you can share it freely with your friends to whom you want to recommend the blog. The idea is that the texts are advertised through recommendations among us who understand each other.

Access to all texts + once a week notification if there is something new on the site