Was Christ a Jew?

This text addresses questions such as whether Christ was a Jew, what Judeo-Christianity is, what St. Sava’s Zakonopravilo says about the Jews, and how Christianity came to be.

I know many will be shocked by what they read here, but don’t blame yourselves. We’ve been an occupied nation for over a century, and the truth has been hidden from us both in school and church. Read more…

The Deconstruction of the Walls of Jericho

I am sharing an article by leading Israeli archaeologist Professor Zeev Herzog because it is important for understanding the history of Christianity, and especially crucial for debunking the false “Judeo-Christian” narrative.
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Three Banned Books

Walking through Belgrade’s antiquarian bookstores, I came across these three banned books. Two are from World War II, and the third is from an earlier period. Read more…

Serbian stubbornness

I’m talking to Lale at the market. Lale is a farmer, but he’s extremely clever and well-read. He is a descendant of a great industrialist from Pambukovica. That whole region was highly developed before the war. During the war, of course, it was a Chetnik stronghold. Read more…

Your nose is crooked, I know you’re lying.

I heard something about Jewish nose surgeries. Supposedly, it’s a specific branch and niche within plastic surgery. Naturally, my first thought was, who comes up with these absurdities, especially nowadays when the Israeli nation is made up of many ethnicities. However…
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Records of the Fall of Constantinople and the Rise of the Judas Bloc

This is where it all began. I am writing to share my impressions from Venice, from the Doge’s Palace Museum, one of the best museums in the world. I intended to document and photograph what was stolen and looted from Constantinople and incorporated into St. Mark’s Basilica. Read more…


Belgrade year 1937

Belgrade, National Theather, year 1937.

…like London, Sherlock era.