All posts tagged kata bunkai

Naihanchi kata empi uchi bunkai application

Naihanchi (Tekki) kata bunkai. This is about first sequence haito – empi uchi. Main point here is to use elbow to escape from grab and counter at the same time. Keep in mind that execute empi uchi in way that it is also escaping technique.

Oss. :)

Passai kata bunkai – Sagurite udewa

Sagurite – searching hand. This technique is from kata Passai and it is aimed at attackers eyes. Parry with rear hand and poke with front hand because front hand can cover more distance. Use neko ashi dachi to align your body and cover. Eye-poke here is used as shock technique and after that you proceed with Udewa, grab head manipulate opponents neck and takedown. Funakoshi used term “Udewa” for this throw and I like that name. In Shotokan Basai Dai sagurite is replaced with generic shuto uke and bunkai is lost.

Passai kata bunkai applications

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Okinawan Bubishi – What did karate look like before 1900?

I started with my karate training in traditional shotokan club. Back then, karate was meant for self-defense, wherefore kata was principle method of training. Read more…