I heard something about Jewish nose surgeries. Supposedly, it’s a specific branch and niche within plastic surgery. Naturally, my first thought was, who comes up with these absurdities, especially nowadays when the Israeli nation is made up of many ethnicities. However…
I said to myself, let me check it out, and so I typed on the internet “plastic surgery for Jews,” and I was completely surprised by what I found. A bunch of ads popped up on Google for plastic surgeons from New York and California specifically advertising this service, followed by a Wikipedia entry and several articles in prestigious American magazines (1, 2, 3, 4) about Jewish nose surgeries meant to hide ethnic identity. Finally, I even found a few scientific papers on the topic.
It turns out that it’s not a made-up concept but a serious branch of plastic surgery with historical significance. The internet is full of examples of the “Jewish nose,” and of course, not all Jews have such noses today, but in the past, who knows… there certainly was a widespread prejudice that it was so.
When you research this topic a bit, you quickly discover that the origin of this stereotype dates far back into the Middle Ages, as you can find illustrations in old Christian books depicting Jews with crooked noses. Such portrayals continued well into modern times, and as we can see, they still exist today.
I notice that this stereotype persisted until the end of World War II. Here’s an example from Disney.
For example, Disney’s cartoon The Three Little Pigs from 1932 shows a bearded brush salesman with a crooked nose, but after the war, this cartoon had to be changed, and now the wolf appears in its place. The Disney studio, of course, was used for propaganda, just like Netflix and all media are today. Walt Disney would turn in his grave if he knew that his studio is now in the hands of Jewish investors and is used to propagate LGBT values to children.
From this and many other examples, we can conclude that World War II was fought over Jewish domination in the West. After the war, the narrative changed, textbooks were altered, anti-Semitism laws were introduced, and it was forbidden to speak on this subject for the next 60 years.
For nearly two thousand years, Christians have passed down stories filled with fear of the return of Jewish domination, which occurred several times in ancient times. These stories still survive today, although their original meaning is hidden.
Then I remembered a book in which I discovered an old version of the tale of Hansel and Gretel, where instead of a witch, the children are taken by Chivuts (a term for Jews during the Ottoman Empire). However, the Brothers Grimm borrowed and revised this story from Vuk. In the early editions, Jews were still mentioned, but in later editions, when it was no longer socially acceptable, the witch replaced them.
And the witch has a very distinctive nose and a hidden message. The witch is often called Baba Roga, named after the horned pepper, which resembles her nose. I should also add that here, when children are told: “Your nose is crooked, I know you’re lying.” Also, when something couldn’t be said publicly, people would bring a finger to their nose and say, “Something smells fishy here.” So much for the lost messages of the past.
*** I’m not an anti-Semite; I write jews with a lowercase letter because it refers not to the people but to the religion.
Да ли то конкретно значи да свако ко има крив или кукаст нос има јеврејско порекло? Мислим да би прецизније требало приступити овоме, поготову што су телесне особине подложне варијацијама. Колико знам, они поседују једну од највећих дисперзија хаплогрупа на свету, па према томе и далеко највише варијација. Можда само један њихов део, пре свега Хазарска – Ашкенашка група има такав нос, пошто га имају и у Азербејџану и у деловима Кавказа, одакле су и Хазари, поготову што су они, управо, највећим делом и живели у Европи, а и касније у Америци. Подвлачим и да, према антропологији, динарски тип, коме далеко највећи број Срба припада генетски, а 90% се и фенотипски испољава, је аутохтон на Балкану, а он поседује: од правог носа, преко израженог носа, па до носа са “мостом”, као и наглашене образе. Ако се узме Ваше запажање да је крив нос = јеврејски нос, може да се паушално закључи да је Мирољуб Петровић био у праву када је рекао да смо сви ми јеврејског порекла, што свакако није тачно, што сте јасно и недвосмислено проказали са претходним објавама, да они нису никакав народ.
Наравно да не значи. Радомире ја пишем оно што видим, нису то моје речи већ повезујем тачкице и моменте који су се већ догодиле током историје. Бацам мало светла на један заборављен угао.
Не знам за Мирољуба Петровића али ја сам од Светог Саве. :)
Велики поздрав.