All posts tagged kobudo

Nunchaku tutorial – Matayoshi kata main sequence application

Main sequence of Matayoshi nunchaku kata is very interesting because it is not simple figure “8” movement as in other known okinawan kobudo styles. If you look closely you will see that there are two straight strikes and two diagonals. Point here is to be able to strike with nuchaku from each corner of you body – upper corners (left and right shoulder) and lower corners (left and right hip). I tried to make it more clearly with this small demonstration, but it is not easy to do movement slowly with nunchakus.

You can watch the video on the YouTube channel by clicking on the thumbnail below:

I hope you like it.

Kushanku bunkai – ashi geri empi application

Another empi technique from Kushanku (Kanku) kata. Similar to basic Naihanchi application but here you add kick to shock your opponent. Also keep in mind that we use elbow strike also as escape from grab.

Naihanchi kata empi uchi bunkai application

Naihanchi (Tekki) kata bunkai. This is about first sequence haito – empi uchi. Main point here is to use elbow to escape from grab and counter at the same time. Keep in mind that execute empi uchi in way that it is also escaping technique.

Oss. :)

Shorin Passai kata – mikazuki-empi bunkai

This is bunkai from kata Passai, also known as Basai Dai in Shotokan. It is close distance techniques sequence. You should execute

  1. Mikazuki kick,

  2. Elbow strike,

  3. Uraken to attackers face,

  4. Escape from grab and

  5. grab attacker groin as ultimate measure.


It is pretty cruel sequence, but it is sometimes necessary to be very lethal if you are not as strong or big as your opponent. Version of kata that we practice is known as Oyadomari Passai or Tomari Passai and it is the oldest version of this kata as far as I know.

Oss. :)

Passai kata bunkai – Sagurite udewa

Sagurite – searching hand. This technique is from kata Passai and it is aimed at attackers eyes. Parry with rear hand and poke with front hand because front hand can cover more distance. Use neko ashi dachi to align your body and cover. Eye-poke here is used as shock technique and after that you proceed with Udewa, grab head manipulate opponents neck and takedown. Funakoshi used term “Udewa” for this throw and I like that name. In Shotokan Basai Dai sagurite is replaced with generic shuto uke and bunkai is lost.

Oyadomari Passai – Shorin ryu kata video

This is Oyadomari Passai kata. That is Tomari version of Passai kata and it is generaly oldest version that survived today. This kata is modified in Shotokan and is also known as Bassai dai. Version that we practice is similar to one that is passed down through Matsubayashi school. There is saying that Passai means “Lion dance” and I think that it is highly possible because there are many paw and claw techniques that are similar to cat movements. Our dojo has lion as an amblem and Passai is our signature kata.

kobudo tinbei & rochin

Tinbei & Rochin – Matayoshi Tradition

We do not know for sure the exact place of origin of shield and a sword combat system found on Okinawa today. Read more…

Sai vs bo

Tonfa temashiwari

III Budo Night April, 2003

Once again Tsunami dojo, presented okinawan karate and kobudo in front of several thousands spectators in Belgrade. Read more…

Kobudo – more about traditional weapons of Okinawa

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milos stanic sai jutsu

Sai – Matayoshi tradition

Sai is a weapon that belongs to the arsenal of the okinawan kobudo. The exact date of its arrival to Okinawa is unknown

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