This text addresses questions such as whether Christ was a Jew, what Judeo-Christianity is, what St. Sava’s Zakonopravilo says about the Jews, and how Christianity came to be.
I know many will be shocked by what they read here, but don’t blame yourselves. We’ve been an occupied nation for over a century, and the truth has been hidden from us both in school and church.
One day, I stumbled upon an old book in an antique bookstore that caught my attention – Serbian Folk Religious Songs. The question immediately popped into my head, religious songs? Isn’t everything divided into lyrical and epic, male and female, as Vuk Karadžić says? So what are these religious folk songs now? It’s certainly not a church hymn.
I couldn’t wait to get home and flip through it. An excellent little book that contains several songs not usually found in collections because in them, the Serbian people mention Roman emperors – Diocletian, Constantine, and Manuel, immediately next to Sava, Simeon, John the Baptist, and St. Marina.
This collection of songs doesn’t fit what we’re taught in schools, because how could a people who came in the 7th century remember Diocletian and Constantine in their songs? That’s why it was never mentioned in the school curriculum, but I’ll mention it here – though it doesn’t mean much. Maybe someone will hear.
1. The Birth of Christ
2. Saints Share Blessings
3. Deacon Stevan and Two Angels
4. Fiery Mary in Hell
5. God Owes No One
6. The Godfathering of Grčić Manojlo
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Emperor Diocletian and John the Baptist
9. The Honorable Cross
10. Emperor Constantine and the Self-Taught Student
11. How the Patron Saint’s Name is Celebrated
12. Whoever Celebrates the Patron Saint’s Name, He Helps
13. Saint Nicholas
14. The Sister-in-Law’s Adam’s Rib
15. Ungrateful Sons
16. Bachelor Mara and Pero the Bulgarian
17. Orphan Simeon
The book was printed in 1925, edited by the renowned professor Miloš N. Đurić. His bust can be found at Kalemegdan since he is buried in the Alley of the Greats.
Honorable Cross
In that book, there is the song Časni Krsti (Honorable Cross), which is very interesting. The song tells of how a Christian emperor attacked a Jewish emperor seeking treasure – the Honorable Cross. It says it was during the reign of Emperor Constantine (Kostadin in the Serbian version) in Constantinople. Take a look at these verses.
They snatched the child from the Empress,
They lit two living fires,
And placed the child between the two fires.
The child shrieked like an angry serpent,
And the cursed Jewish woman approached,
She came closer, shedding tears,
Kissed the Emperor’s hem and his hand,
And the dark earth where his slipper stood:
“Oh great Emperor Constantine!
Oh noble Emperor Constantine!
Move the child away from the fire,
And I will show you your crosses.”
I wondered who the Jewish emperor was, why they tortured his wife and held the child over the fire to “scream”? What’s going on here?
Here’s the full poem, which I believe will interest you. Click the image to enlarge.
9. Honorable Crosses
Emperor Constantine drinks wine
In the beautiful city of Constantinople,
In his grand imperial court
With him drink the apostles of God:
Saint Peter and the apostle Paul.But Emperor Constantine speaks:
“Oh supreme apostles of God!
Where are now our honorable crosses?
Which noble emperor holds them?”
And the apostles of God reply:
“Oh great Emperor Constantine!
Our crosses are in the land of the Jews,
With the cursed Jewish emperor;
Raise, emperor, the entire Christian army,
Go with the army to the land of the Jews,
And ravage the entire Jewish land,
Ravage and burn it with fire,
And capture the Jewish emperor,
Torture him with all kinds of torment,
But the faith of the Jew is hard,
The emperor will die under torture,
And will not reveal the honorable crosses;
Send, emperor, fierce messengers
To the rich imperial court,
Snatch the child from the Empress,
Light two living fires,
Place the child between the two fires,
Let it scream like an angry serpent,
For every mother is merciful
And grieves for her own child:
The Empress will reveal the crosses.”
When the emperor understood the words,
He wrote letters to all four corners,
And gathered the entire Christian army.He marched with his army to the land of the Jews,
Ravaged the entire Jewish land,
And burned it all with fire,
Captured the Jewish emperor,
And tortured him with all kinds of torments:
He broke his arms and legs,
Pulled out his eyes and teeth,
And killed him in terrible agony.
But the faith of the Jew is strong,
Even as the emperor died under torture,
He refused to reveal the honorable crosses!
The emperor sent fierce messengers
To the rich imperial court,
And they snatched the child from the Empress,
They lit two living fires,
The child screamed like an angry serpent,
And the cursed Jewish woman approached,
She approached, shedding tears,
Kissed the emperor’s hem and hand,
And the dark earth where his slipper stood:
“Oh great Emperor Constantine!
Oh noble Emperor Constantine!
Move the child away from the fire,
And I will reveal your crosses,”
But as the cursed Jewish woman opened her mouth,
She began to reveal the crosses,
But then again refused to reveal them!
The emperor flared up like a living fire:
“Move the child closer to the fire!”
They moved the child closer to the fire,
The child shrieked like an angry serpent,
The cursed Jewish woman shed tears,
And begged Emperor Constantine greatly:
“Oh great Emperor Constantine!
For God’s sake, Emperor Constantine!
Move the child away from the fire,
And I will show you your crosses.”
They moved the child away from the fire,
And the cursed Jewish woman said:
“Do you see, emperor, Mount Odjubar?
Raise your army, go to the mountain,
And dig up Mount Odjubar,
You will find a solid stone,
Break the solid stone,
Many golden crosses will spill out,
Which the Jews forged
To resemble your crosses,
So that your crosses wouldn’t be recognized.”
Emperor Constantine raised his army,
And went to the mountain,
They dug up Mount Odjubar,
And found the solid stone,
They broke the solid stone,
Many golden crosses spilled out,
That the Jews had forged
To resemble our crosses
So that our crosses wouldn’t be recognized.”
They brought them to Emperor Constantine,
The emperor took them,
And struck them against a stone,
They broke into two or three pieces;
But when they brought the honorable crosses,
The emperor struck the stone,
And the stone shattered before him.
When Emperor Constantine saw this,
He then rose to his feet.And he bowed to the honorable cross,
And kissed the honorable cross,
And the entire Christian army kissed it too.
When the emperor freed the crosses,
He gathered his army and returned to his court.
While Emperor Constantine reigned,
The honorable crosses shone on the earth,
Shining for the glorious Christian people.
When Emperor Constantine passed away,
And the noble Empress Helena too,
Then the honorable crosses ascended,
Ascended to the heavens above,
To shine in that world,
As the sun shines in this world.
As you can see, this book doesn’t fit with what we are taught today in the church about Judeo-Christianity. Here, Christians and Jews are the greatest enemies.
You’ll notice that the word “Jews” in this text is not capitalized. That’s because I’m not referring to today’s Jewish people, but to what they historically represented – the Jewish faith. The nation came later, but we’ll discuss that later.
Judeo-Christian Propaganda
Today we hear about some kind of Judeo-Christianity, but luckily, the real truth has been preserved in this poem and many other old books. Unfortunately, most people today learn history from fairy-tale films and series, “scientific” programs on the History channel, and Wikipedia, without realizing the amount of propaganda involved. Judeo-Christianity is one of those myths.
The worst part is that our church today openly preaches the Judeo-Christian myth. Once, I got into a rhetorical dispute on Facebook with people from the “Bible Society of Serbia.” They announced a new translation of the Old Testament and said that the famous professor of Belgrade Theology, Dragan Milin, translated the Old Testament from the original Hebrew?!
Everyone familiar with history knows that in the time of the Nemanjić dynasty in Serbia, there was no Bible as we read today. There were gospels and the entire New Testament, along with selected stories from the Old Testament. Certainly, if these books were translated, they were translated from Greek, not from some “original Hebrew.”
The promotion of this book was covered by the media everywhere, and no one said a word against it because everything happened with the blessing of the SPC.
It’s well known that the oldest Old Testament books were found in Greek and Hebrew. However, neither language is original, as these are old stories from pre-Christian civilizations. These stories were preserved by the Phoenicians and later transcribed into Hebrew and Greek, so one cannot speak of some “original Hebrew.”
By the way, Dr. Dragan Milin is a retired professor who taught the Old Testament at the Belgrade Theology Faculty. He was engaged by the “Bible Society of Serbia” and worked on the translation for 11 years. The Bible Society is an ecumenical organization and is in contact with our Patriarchate. The professor himself testifies in the video above how they met every month, with Catholics, Protestants from Vojvodina, and one bishop present.
Interestingly, this is not the Bible Society’s first venture in Serbia; they are already known for their propaganda activities that significantly influenced events in Serbia. When Vuk Karadžić published his translation of the Protestant Bible, it was rejected in Serbia because it was considered Vatican propaganda. Then the Bible Society of London stepped in, signed an agreement with Vuk, removed his preface, and printed his translation in a different font. They repackaged the text slightly and then flooded Serbia with cheap editions of that book.

Vuk Karadžić, together with the Bible Society of London, repackaged his book that was banned in Serbia.
The Bible Society of Serbia openly boasts about being one of the 75 Bible societies in the world and about upholding the tradition of the first society founded in 1804 in London. This Masonic project has grown over 200 years and now has organizations in 75 countries around the world. In Vuk Karadžić’s time, they engaged in propaganda to weaken the influence of the Serbian Orthodox Church and strengthen tendencies toward unification with the Catholics and allowing Jews access to governmental positions.
This time, the Bible Society engages in propaganda, claiming that Christianity supposedly stems from a “Jewish original.” However, fortunately, there is St. Sava’s Zakonopravilo and many other nomocanons from the Roman Empire, as well as the laws of Emperor Justinian, which will easily lead us to the original essence of Orthodoxy. We will see that the Jews have always been the greatest enemies of Orthodoxy.
Was Jesus a Jew?
Although most people today take it for granted, the real truth is that Jesus was not a Jew. Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew. He went against Jewish temples at a time when Judaism was merely a religion, not a state or a nation.
An interesting video clip shows Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu talking to the Pope, claiming that Jesus spoke Hebrew, and the Pope correcting him, saying that Jesus spoke Aramaic.
During his time, Jesus lived in Judea, which was merely a region of the Roman Empire. Many nations lived in Judea – Arameans, Greeks, Scythians, Romans, Arabs, Egyptians… Notice, Christianity didn’t yet exist at that time. Many Judean residents visited Jewish temples of the era, but many were polytheists and worshipped Mithras, Jupiter, and similar gods.
Therefore, we must first clarify the terms Israel, Jews, Judeans, and Hebrews.
In St. Sava’s Zakonopravilo from the 12th century, terms such as Jews, Judeans, and Hebrews are mentioned and used interchangeably.
The name Judeans comes from the Roman era, from the Judean province. In that province, a rebellion occurred, and the empire waged wars against the Jews. Josephus Flavius, who was a Jew, described these events in detail in his book, The Jewish Wars in 66 AD.
The name Jews is a modification of the word Hebrews (/he.brâi̯.os/ → /eˈβrɛ.os/ → </eˈvre.os/), which appears in the Old Testament and comes from the Aramaic word “ivri,” meaning “opponents” or “those from the other side.”
Interestingly, by studying the Zakonopravilo, we can deduce the root of the word Hebrews. In Old Serbian, the word for “wait” is ožidanije, so Hebrews are those who are “waiting.” According to tradition, they are waiting for the Messiah. Therefore, the word Hebrew is not a foreign word, but a Serbian one.
- Translation:
- Rule 70: If any bishop, priest, or deacon, or any person of clerical rank fasts with the Jews, or celebrates with them, or accepts from them on the day of their feast a piece of unleavened bread or does anything similar—let him be deposed, and if he is a layperson, let him be excommunicated.
5. The sale, from that point on, or at the same moment, can be finalized without any further provisions or limitations and without waiting for any specific time. It happens so that, when you give yours, you take this or that in return. It can also be conditional, as in this case: “Test this slave for one month, and if it pleases you—keep him for ten gold coins.”
Although today many think they are synonyms, that’s not true, and this has been exploited for misinterpreting old writings and promoting Judeo-Christian propaganda. This is what modern media and ecumenical propaganda want you to believe.
As mentioned earlier, Judeans were residents of the Judean province, which housed various nations, while the state was the Roman Empire. At that time, Jews (those “from the other side”) were written with a lowercase letter, as it referred to a religion, specifically those who adhered to the Talmud. Even today, Jews acknowledge that their nation emerged in the past from “12 different tribes.”
When God handed Moses the Ten Commandments, He mentioned “Israel.” However, that word means “God’s people.” It refers not to an ethnic group or blood ties but to a spiritual connection, i.e., those who uphold God’s laws.
The region of Palestine was Orthodox until the Muslim conquests. After the Arabs settled, the local population was assimilated and converted to the faith of Allah. However, even today, there are descendants of Palestinian Christians in that region, albeit in small numbers.
When St. Sava traveled, he traveled to Palestine, not Israel. Judea, a region of the Roman Empire, was known as Palestine during St. Sava’s time. This is written in the Life of St. Sava (by Theodosius and Domentijan). The state of Israel was only established in 1946.
The Jews as a nation only emerged after 1946 when the state of Israel was created on the site of Palestine. At that time, members of various European nations were primarily transferred to that territory to become citizens of the new state. We witness what is happening there today, and I don’t want to delve into politics. I also want to emphasize that I am neither anti-Semitic nor hate Jews (with a capital J). I believe the Jewish people today are victims – a front for a much larger game happening behind the scenes.
What does Zakonopravilo say about Jews?
By chance, I knew little about Orthodoxy and learned most about it from St. Sava’s Zakonopravilo and from monks. I would say that I had the opportunity to drink water from the source before it was polluted because Zakonopravilo is a legal code from the 12th century, providing a detailed view of what Orthodoxy was like in St. Sava’s time, without the manipulations and interpretations of later centuries.
I would add that today’s Orthodoxy in Serbia, which our church preaches, is murky water compared to what St. Sava taught, and we can best see this through the example of the Jews.
The Zakonopravilo testifies that Christianity endured for centuries in its struggle against the influence of Jews, Muslims, and Latins. Our topic today is Jews, so let’s start from the beginning.
The Zakonopravilo prohibits any form of communion with Jews and forbids any of their teachings:
- It is forbidden to receive Jews for conversation, prayer, or church.
- A Christian must not eat their opresniki (unleavened bread), consult their healers, and anyone who bathes with them in the bathhouse shall be expelled from the church.
- Anyone who adds anything to the Symbol of Faith from the Hellenes, Jews, or other heretics shall be expelled from the church.
- Anyone who observes any Jewish custom shall be expelled from the church.
- A Christian who attends a meeting with Jews or goes to their temple on a holiday or simply lights a candle or lamp there shall be expelled from the church.
- Under no circumstances shall milk, honey, game, mead, or lentils be brought into the altar, as these are all Hellenic and Jewish customs.
- Anyone who aligns the Easter (Passover) tradition with the Jewish Passover shall be expelled from the church.
I’m leaving here some excerpts from the Zakonopravilo so you can look at the details yourselves. On the left is the Old Serbian text, and on the right is the modern language translation by Professor Miodrag Petrović.
- Translation:
Rule 8: Jews should not be admitted to communion, prayer, or the church unless they show that they are truly and wholeheartedly converting to our true faith. This is clear. - Rule 11: Jewish unleavened bread is rejected; and whoever invites their sorcerers or mingles with them—let them be cast out. Explanation: There is no communion between Christians and Jews. Therefore, if anyone is found eating their unleavened bread, or inviting their sorcerers for healing, or mingling with them in a bathhouse, or associating with them in any other way—if they are clergy, they should be deposed, and if they are a layperson, they should be excommunicated.
- Explanation: Whoever, in addition to the faith which the holy fathers assembled in Nicaea composed—that is, the Creed “I believe in one God”—adds another heretical composition to lead astray and bring harm to those who are converting from Hellenism, Judaism, or any other heresy to the knowledge of the truth—if they are a bishop or a cleric, they should be exiled from their diocese and stripped of their rank.
- Rule 12: Whoever follows Hellenic myths or Jewish customs, if they do not abandon them, let them be deposed.
- 2. The Church Rules of the Holy Apostle Paul, 17 Rule 1: Those who are approaching the mystery of true faith for the first time should be brought by the deacon to the bishop or the priest, and the reasons for their approach should be examined.
- Rule 71: If any Christian brings oil to a Jewish synagogue, or to a heretical or pagan temple on their feast day, or lights a lamp or candle—let them be excommunicated.
- Rule 65: Whoever prays with Jews, let them be excommunicated. Explanation: Whoever enters a Jewish synagogue, or a heretical or pagan temple, and prays with them—if they are a layperson, let them be excommunicated, and if they are clergy, let them be deposed, for they think like the Jews. And if a bishop, priest, or deacon prays with heretics even in a private home, let them be excommunicated, as mandated by the 45th rule of these Apostolic decrees.
- Explanation: If any clergyman, out of fear of Jews, Greeks, or heretics, denies the name of Christ—he should be completely expelled from the Church. If a clergyman does not deny Christ but denies his clerical title, for example, a bishop out of fear says, “I was not nor will I be a bishop,” and likewise a priest, deacon, or any other cleric denies his title—he should be stripped of his rank. However, if he repents and returns, he should be accepted back as a layperson.
- Explanation: Offering milk, honey, lead, mead, any animal, or lentils at the altar—all of this is Hellenic and Jewish, which is why it was forbidden. However, the first fruits of new produce, such as young and green lentils and grapes, should be offered at the time of their ripening as an act of thanksgiving to God, the giver of all gifts—this was commanded.
- Rule 99: Some, like the Jews, roast meat in sanctuaries. If anyone allows this or accepts something from them—they are not a true presbyter. But if someone brings something from home, the presbyter should accept it according to the giver’s will, provided that the offering takes place outside the church. Explanation: Some, in the land of Armenia, roasted pieces of meat inside holy churches and brought portions of them, separated for the presbyters, following the Jewish law. Upon learning of this, the fathers prohibited such practices and instructed that presbyters should not seek separated pieces of meat, but should be content with whatever the giver wishes to offer, and that these offerings must be made outside the church. If anyone acts otherwise—they should be excommunicated.
- Jesus is a Jewish name. In the Greek language, it is called Sotir. And Sotir in our language means Savior. He is called Savior because He saves and preserves in health all who believe in Him. Jesus is also called Healer, because the Lord Christ, our God, healed many who were sick. He not only heals the body but also makes the soul whole.
- Rule 37: No one should celebrate with Jews or heretics, nor accept what they claim to be festive. Explanation: There is nothing in common between light and darkness. Therefore, Christians should not celebrate with heretics or with Jews.
- Rule 1: Whoever attempts to change the established tradition regarding Pascha (Easter), if they are a layperson—let them be excommunicated, and if they are a cleric—let them be deposed. Explanation: This was also mentioned in the seventh rule of the Holy Apostles—that a presbyter should be deposed if they celebrate Pascha with the Jews. The same is mandated by this rule: if any layperson, breaking the established tradition of Pascha, celebrates it at a different time, either with the Jews or on their own—let them be excommunicated and cast out of the Church. And if a cleric does such a thing—let them be deposed and completely stripped of their clerical honor and title. Any clerics who continue to associate with them after their deposition—let them also be deposed.
- Rule 7: If any bishop, priest, or deacon celebrates the holy day of Pascha with the Jews, before the appointed time—let them be deposed. This rule is clear.
Looking at these provisions from St. Sava regarding the Jews, it’s really unclear how someone today dares to talk about “Judeo-Christianity.” This is only possible because the text of St. Sava’s Zakonopravilo is not accessible to the people. That book has been hidden from the public since the Berlin Congress, when Jews and Catholics were first allowed to live equally in Serbia and practice their religion.
The significance of the translation of the Zakonopravilo, done by Professor Miodrag Petrović, is enormous. The mere study of this text can save Orthodoxy from ecumenical heresy.
We can learn a lot about the history of Christianity and the Roman Empire by studying the Zakonopravilo. We gain insight into the laws of the Roman Empire, which is wrongly called Byzantium. However, the inhabitants of that state never called themselves that; they considered themselves Romans, and their state a new Christian Rome.
The Zakonopravilo in Serbian or the Nomocanon in Greek is a compilation of civil and Christian laws that trace their roots back to Emperor Constantine, Theodosius, Justinian, and up to the time of St. Sava. All the canons of the Ecumenical Councils are confirmed there. So, by reading the Zakonopravilo, we can understand the true essence of Christianity in a practical way. Reading the Gospels and the Bible isn’t as clear because it often involves figurative text, subject to various “interpretations.”
Laws against Jews were introduced as early as the Apostolic Canons, then at the Second Ecumenical Council, and were confirmed and supplemented through the centuries, up to the time of Alexios Aristenos in the 12th century.
I will mention that the Zakonopravilo contains the testimony of St. Nicephorus, the Patriarch of Constantinople (758–828), that the main iconoclasts were Jews, and that they, along with the Saracens (proto-Muslims), inspired the rebellion and the burning of icons. Interestingly, Jews are not mentioned at all today when discussing iconoclasm.
I will also mention that in the oldest Serbian hagiographies of Cyril and Methodius, their struggle against Jews in Crimea and Rome in the 9th century is mentioned.
It is worth mentioning the Hilandar translation of the work The Jewish Wars written by Josephus Flavius, which mentions that the Romans did not execute Jesus, but that it was actually the Jews. It is important to note that this translation is older than the first English translation of the text.
It’s also worth noting that all Serbian four-gospels from the Middle Ages begin with the Gospel of John, but in modern times, this gospel has been moved to the 4th position because it criticizes the Jews more sharply than any of the other evangelists. This was done at the insistence of the Bible Societies worldwide, which published “modern” Bibles.
In the Zakonopravilo, St. Sava says that Jesus is a Jewish name, that the Greeks say Sotir, and that we call Him Spas (Savior). Today, this Serbian term Spas is rarely heard, except when it refers to the name of a church (e.g., Church of Christ the Savior). However, Serbs should use their language more often to preserve their history.
- Translation:
- Jesus is a Jewish name. In the Greek language, it is called Sotir. And Sotir in our language means Savior. He is called Savior because He saves and preserves in health all who believe in Him. Jesus is also called Healer, because the Lord Christ, our God, healed many who were sick. He not only heals the body but also makes the soul whole.
For two millennia, there has been a struggle in which borders and differences are slowly erased, and interpretations are modified so that people today might casually say, “Oh, it’s all the same.” But it’s not the same, and it never was.
Why Were Christian Emperors Against the Jews?
Now that we’ve established that Christianity was originally explicitly against the Jews and that it’s been a 2,000-year battle against their teachings, the question arises: why did Christian rulers incorporate all these prohibitions into the laws? What was the motivation for such actions?
It’s often said that the fear of the Jews was motivated by the fact that they killed Christ, but that’s not a serious argument. The main reason for the struggle against Jewish teachings is their religion and what is written in the Talmud. Here is a small excerpt from the Talmud for you to examine.
- Translation:
• “If a Jew dishonors and abuses a non-Jewish woman, and if he can escape punishment by making a false oath, he may take the false oath without hesitation.” (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 232). • “It is permitted to test medicines on non-Jews in order to determine if the medicines are harmful.” (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 158a). (As is well known, the so-called World Health Organization of the fraudulent United Nations has been mass-testing vaccines since the 1950s, primarily in Asian, African, and Slavic countries, including Yugoslavia.) • “It is written: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ This means that one should not kill a member of the Jewish people. Non-Jews, however, are not Israelites, and therefore they may be killed.” (Talmud, Gittin 57a). • “The most righteous among non-Jews must be killed.” (Talmud, S. ben Yohai 406). • “It is permissible to take the body and life of a non-Jew.” (Talmud, Sefer Korim). • “Even the best among the non-Jews should be killed.” (Talmud, Mekhilta 32b). • “Slaughter non-Jews like beasts.” (Talmud, Zohar). • “Just as a son is of his father’s body, so is a Jew of God’s body, and therefore any non-Jew who dares to strike a Jew must pay with his life.” (Talmud, Sanhedrin 146). • All of the aforementioned and other laws from the Talmud are still in effect today, as Romanian Jew Dr. Aaron Berman writes: “The Shulchan Aruch is the complete code of law for all Jews, which remains binding on them today. The main subject of rabbinical exams is the Shulchan Aruch, specifically the exact knowledge and understanding of it; smaller extracts from the Shulchan Aruch serve as school textbooks for Jewish youth, similar to the Christian catechism…”
• “It is permitted to take advantage of a non-Jew’s mistake. It is permitted not to pay him a debt. It is permitted to deceive him in a calculation.” (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 384b). • “It is permitted to mislead a non-Jew. It is a duty to deceive a non-Jew. Whoever does not do this comes under suspicion of loving a non-Jew, and whoever loves a non-Jew hates God.” (Talmud, Rasim). • “If Jews wander around the whole week deceiving non-Jews, they should gather on the Sabbath and recount to each other their glorious deeds.” (Talmud, Rabbi Benc). • “A non-Jew who deceives a Jew, even for one penny, must be shot.” (Talmud, Sanhedrin). • “A Jew is permitted to withhold the wages of a non-Jew.” (Talmud, Sanhedrin). • “The property of a non-Jew is like ownerless property. A Jew has the right to take possession of it.” (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat). • “Whoever returns something (stolen or plundered) to a non-Jew, God will never forgive him.” (Talmud, Sanhedrin). • “The law ‘Do not steal’ only applies to stealing from a Jew. Stealing from a non-Jew is permitted.” (Talmud, Sanhedrin). • “Robbing a non-Jew is completely permissible, and likewise withholding his wages.” (Talmud, Baba Kamma 111b). • “A non-Jewish girl three years and one day old can be violated.” (Talmud, Avodah Zarah 37a). • “If a Jew has deceived or robbed a non-Jew and must take an oath in the presence of other Jews who know this, it is permitted for him to swear falsely.” (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 239a). - “A child in the womb of a non-Jewish woman is no better than an animal.” (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 240). • “All non-Jewish women are prostitutes.” (Talmud, Even HaEzer). • “Jews must learn these five things: 1. Love one another. 2. Love robbery. 3. Love feasting. 4. Hate your masters. 5. Never speak the truth.” (Talmud, Pesachim 113a). • “Every lie is permitted toward non-Jews.” (Talmud, Berakhot). • “You must not wrong a Jew, your brother. However, it is permitted to wrong a non-Jew in every way and commit any injustice.” (Talmud, Gittin 40a). • “It is allowed to pretend in front of a non-Jew to avoid being harmed or injured.” (Talmud, Lota 41b). • “God commanded that money should only be lent to non-Jews with usurious interest. In this way, we do not help them but harm them.” (Talmud, Sefer Mitzvot 73). • “A Jew should increase his wealth through usury. He should use usury to ruin non-Jews.” (Talmud, Baba Metzia 70b). • “It is permissible to deceive non-Jewish authorities regarding customs duties. Smuggling is permitted.” (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 369). • “If you cannot win over your non-Jewish superiors with food, win them over with money.” (Talmud, Sanhedrin).
- “Non-Jews were created to serve Jews. They must plow, dig, sow, harvest, and thresh. Jews were created to find everything ready.” (Talmud, Berakhot 58a). • “It is forbidden to show mercy to non-Jews.” (Talmud, Ramban). • “Non-Jews should not be shown mercy or help.” (Talmud, Yebamot 12a). • “If a non-Jew is in danger of drowning in a river, even if he is close to death, a Jew must not go to help him.” (Yad HaChazakah, Avodah Zarah 10a). • “God created non-Jews, though they are equal to animals, and gave them a human form because it is not fitting for a Jew to be served by cattle. Therefore, they serve in human form.” (Shulchan Aruch, Mudras Talpiot 225). • “And thus, when a non-Jewish servant or maid dies, they should be mourned just as when an ox or donkey dies.” (Talmud, Berakhot). • “Non-Jews are like dogs. Moreover, writings teach that a dog should be respected more than a non-Jew.” (Talmud, Ekezetra Exod 22). • “A non-Jew has no father, as he is like an orphan born on a dunghill.” (Talmud, Yebamot). • “The homes of non-Jews are like animal pens.” (Talmud, Leb Tov 46a). • “A pregnant non-Jewish woman should be regarded as a pregnant animal.” (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 405).
As you can see, the Talmud is a conspiracy against humanity. All non-Jews are considered goyim – animals, and their rights are merely symbolic. They can be lied to, deceived, raped, or killed if it can be done with impunity. In their temples, they gather to make business plans; God advises them to lend money at interest and to treat all non-Jews as animals.
This kind of unscrupulousness for the sake of power and money has never been seen in history. The next in line with such a worldview is Niccolò Machiavelli in his work The Prince. However, Niccolò worked for the Medicis, who were very close to the Jews, and there’s another clue.
The Talmud is an extremely vast topic that simply cannot fit in this text. The Talmud was created in the 5th century BC, while the Torah was created 1,000 years later, in the 5th century AD. The Torah is more socially acceptable, but Christians of the Middle Ages didn’t think so, and all adherents of the Talmud and Torah were considered the greatest enemies.
It’s essential to understand that Talmudic teachings are the main reason Christians should avoid the Jews. That’s why Emperor Justinian forbade Jews from holding any public office or being teachers. All who observe the Talmud and Torah are considered Jews, Judeans, or Hebrews, as they are called in the Zakonopravilo.
To remove any doubt, let me say once again: the Jews do not honor Christ and say that He did not rise, but rather that He is in hell, bathing in a boiling cauldron of excrement.
It’s sad that in today’s Israel, they continue to preach the things mentioned above, even though this is the root of many terrible events in world history.
The greatest problem in today’s world is that most Christians are no longer aware of the danger looming over the modern world. Decades of censorship, textbook revisions, and the imposition of propaganda that undermines Christian values have led to only a few Christians being aware of this topic. Unfortunately, those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Christianity Emerged as Anti-Judaism
Your thoughts determine your life. Due to the adherence to the aforementioned Talmudic rules, Jews were extremely influential during the time of the Roman Empire. Many times they placed emperors on thrones, dealt with coin minting, lent money at interest, traded grain, manipulated food prices, and were notorious as slave traders.
The Roman Empire was deeply corrupt and repeatedly attempted to free itself from Jewish influence. There are well-known episodes in history when the Roman army destroyed Jewish temples.
After several centuries of struggle, the Roman Empire succeeded in breaking free from Jewish influence, and this is when the Eastern Roman Empire, incorrectly known as Byzantium, was established. In that empire, Christianity was the law, and all nobility and rulers had to be Christians.
For Christians to succeed in their endeavor to free themselves from the malignant influence of the Jewish church, they even had to relocate the empire’s capital from Rome and build a new capital. Rome was too corrupt and depraved, so Christians began anew, building everything from the ground up. Later, even the language was changed from Latin to Greek to create a clear break with the old texts and teachings, which were considered wrong and corrupt.
Jews were legally prohibited from holding any government office, preaching, or teaching to prevent their influence. Trade was allowed, but strictly regulated.
Christian writings state that Jews never had a state but rather moved from country to country wherever they had interests. In the beginning, they were not a nation but an interest group that took the most profitable jobs for themselves. These jobs were either legal or completely illegal, and their main weapons were lies, conspiracy, and corruption.
The most dangerous Jewish endeavor was the creation of a church because it was an attempt by a small ultra-wealthy elite to establish world domination and impose its values. Their main method was “divide and conquer,” turning various groups against each other and emerging victorious by trading weapons, lending money, raising food prices, and finally leaving with slaves, while installing rulers who suited them.
I claim that the Christian Church was established precisely as a counter to the Jewish church. Here are a few arguments for this thesis:
A – Only married men with beards could enter the Jewish church. Gifts and money were brought into the church, exchanged for “church” currency. The poor and women were not allowed in.
The Christian church was open to everyone – the poor, destitute, women, and slaves. Before God, everyone is equal. A complete contrast to Jewish rules.
B – The Jews sacrificed animals and shed their blood; in some scriptures, even human sacrifice is mentioned, i.e., the sacrifice of non-Jewish children. The meat of these animals was eaten at feasts after the service, accompanied by great celebration.
Christianity forbids the shedding of blood in God’s name. Instead, wine and bread are used in the service to symbolize sacrifice, with Jesus himself on the altar, who sacrificed himself for the new world.
V – In Jewish temples, those who donated the most to the temple and had the most money held the greatest influence. These were usually big merchants, and business deals were arranged in the temples among the Jews. Money was a mandatory part of visiting the temple, and the temples were large exchange centers. It is known from the Gospels that Jesus overturned these exchange tables in the Jewish temple.
Christianity is based on voluntary offerings, brotherhood, and helping others. Discussing business in church is considered a sin. In the Middle Ages, being a merchant was considered a sinful profession.
G – Jews referred to all non-Jews as “goyim,” which translates to cattle. It was permitted to deceive, lie to, enslave, trade, or kill goyim. Seducing their women and children, raping, trading, or killing them came with no consequences.
Christianity mandates respect for all living beings regardless of their faith. The laws are strict about respecting rights, life, and property. Lying is forbidden, and deceit is punished. Rape and murder are punished by expulsion from the church and banishment.
D – The Jews observe the Sabbath on Saturday. On the Sabbath, men gather in the Jewish temple, and no work is done.
Christians refrain from work only one day a week. Saturday is deliberately named after the Sabbath (subota) to show that Christians work on that day. Sunday is the day of rest. Unfortunately, we are witnesses that today everyone celebrates the “weekend,” i.e., two days, which is actually a Jewish holiday.
Đ – Jews despise physical labor, and the Talmud says one should not work the land because no one can get rich from that. They claim that trade is the only way to earn well.
Christians despise trade, and many books speak of the sins of traders who manipulate prices and create false shortages of goods and food. Christians believe that one should live from their own labor, and that is why everyone had a garden, domestic animals, and engaged in farming. Today, this is less visible, but only 50 years ago, 98% of the population of Serbia and the entire Mediterranean lived this way.
E – The Jewish God says, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” while Christ says, “if someone strikes you with a stone, give them bread in return,” advocating mutual assistance, peace, and coexistence.
Ž – During the Jewish domination of the Roman Empire, there was debauchery, the slave trade, gambling was allowed, wars of conquest were waged, pedophilia and transgenderism were normal, abortion was a business, usury was a lucrative business, as was the printing of money. Flaunting money, music, seductive dancing, and overindulgence in food were everyday occurrences.
In the Middle Ages, Christians prohibited and eradicated all the above. The most important value was dedication to family and household. Restraint, modesty, and fasting were hallmarks of Christians.
As you can see, everything indicates that Christianity arose precisely as a counter-teaching to Jewish values. The Christian arch-enemy is Judaism or Judeanism because Judas betrayed Christ for money, just as the Talmud acts against man for money. That is why the expression “the synagogue of Satan” exists.
Unfortunately, today we are witnessing the return of all these vices and the destruction of Christian values, renewed conflicts in the Middle East. There is increasing talk of the construction of a new Jewish temple, precisely where it was said to have been destroyed.
If someone thinks these are stories from the past that no longer make sense – they are mistaken. Here is a video clip from our time that clearly shows the relationship of Jews toward Christians.
A group of Christians passes by a group of Jews in Jerusalem, and the Jews spit on the ground when they see them.
The Jewish Forgery of the Old Testament
To conclude this text, I would like to mention Professor Zeev Herzog, one of the most famous Israeli archaeologists. His research has proven that the biblical stories about the Jewish people are not authentic. It’s hard to find his writings on the internet because of heavy censorship, but I found and translated them for you.
Professor Herzog does not dispute the Old Testament but disputes that the Jews are the people mentioned in the Old Testament.
Here is Professor Herzog’s conclusion about the Old Testament history of the Jews:
“This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the land of Israel: The Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign, and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to accept is the fact that the united kingdom of David and Solomon, described in the Bible as a regional power, was, at best, a small tribal kingdom. Many will also be unpleasantly surprised to learn that the God of Israel – Yahweh – had a female companion and that early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only during the final phase of the monarchy, not at Mount Sinai.”
Most of those who work in the related fields of Bible studies, archaeology, and Jewish history – and who once entered the field seeking evidence to support the biblical story – now agree that the historical events related to the origins of the Jewish people are radically different from what the biblical narrative says.”
Herzog was the director of the Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University and one of the distinguished professors at Harvard. So, this is a very reliable source. You can read the full text here: “The Destruction of Jericho’s Walls.”
Simply put, Professor Herzog confirms that the Old Testament writings concerning the Jews as the chosen people are not accurate and have no basis in evidence. The word “Israel” means “God’s people” and refers to those who follow God’s laws, not a specific people, as the Jews claim.
This aligns perfectly with many other studies suggesting that the Jews were not the ones who recorded the Old Testament stories, but rather the Phoenicians. The Jews borrowed the alphabet from the Phoenicians and transmitted the Old Testament stories but with modifications to suit their needs. This is mentioned by Eusebius of Caesarea, who was the biographer of Constantine the Great and is therefore extremely important for the history of Christianity.
Among other things, Eusebius cites Philo of Byblos (2nd century AD), who transcribed Phoenician tablets and texts that were 1,200 years old before Christ (Ras Shamra). They list all generations from the flood to the time of the Phoenicians with all names in the Phoenician language. We find this exactly the same in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis, but with different names and somewhat shortened because the Jews read those names differently.

Shamash – the god of light and justice. On the stele are the symbols of the moon, stars, and sun, almost identical to the symbols found on tombstones and monuments throughout the Balkans.
For a long time, science questioned the interpretation of the Old Testament as a strictly historical document. The cuneiform library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal became a global sensation, essentially proving to historians that the true Old Testament is a compilation from Babylon. “An even greater global sensation was the discovery of a stone pillar on which the laws of the ancient Babylonian king from the 17th century BC, Hammurabi, were inscribed, which correspond to the commandments that the prophet Moses supposedly gave (almost 2,000 years later) to the Jews. Except Hammurabi received them from a different god, named Shamash.”
This confirms what Christian fathers have been saying for over 2,000 years, which is that the New Testament is the primary source for Christians, and that only certain books from the Old Testament are read, and that too carefully with proper interpretation.
Today, unfortunately, under the leadership of various sects, heretics, and ecumenists, the Old Testament is increasingly taking over the Christian narrative, and with the financial help of Jewish organizations, they find the source of everything in it, claiming that we are some kind of Judeo-Christians. Old Babylonian stories are being replaced by Jewish modifications, where they are the “chosen people.”
Old Testament wisdom did not come from modern-day Israel, but from Iraq and Iran, ancient Babylon, and Mesopotamia. The Jews were not a nation but, in Jesus’s time, were temple priests in the region of Judea, who had a massive influence on the Roman Empire. They transcribed and altered old books to claim that they were the “chosen people” who moved from Babylon to Egypt and finally to Palestine.
Throughout the Balkans, we can find remnants and symbols that connect us with Old Testament Mesopotamia. I’m referring to the symbols of the “star and crescent moon” and the “double-headed griffin” that can be found on tombstones and old monuments, which are often embedded in the walls of churches.

The first three images from the left – Old Testament symbols from tombstones (marble blocks), the star and crescent moon; the fourth image – the symbol of the god Shamash; the fifth image – the Star of David, which is actually a borrowed symbol from the old deity’s star in the fourth image.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize by law.” And indeed, in most countries of the world, there are “anti-Semitism laws” that forbid any criticism of the Jews.
Christianity has long since fallen and has been removed from all governmental functions. Other forces are in power, and they write the history books.
Consider what is written in the Gospel and what Sava left us in the Zakonopravilo. Look at the laws of Roman emperors and the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils… or learn your history and faith from TV programs. The choice is yours; I have spoken and saved my soul.
The old tradition left to us by the great Christian lords has been falsified and pushed in a direction that has nothing to do with the original Christian idea. For centuries in Western Europe, they have been writing that Jesus was Jewish, that the Romans killed Him, that Moses was Jewish, and that Christianity came from the Jews…
Today, the truth is forbidden, and a monk once wisely told me when I said that the truth should be told to the people: “Are you ready for that, my son? For he who speaks the truth will be persecuted, just like Christ.” And what did Christ say? Did He not attack Jewish temples and their teachings?
Vrlo dobar clanak,da li imate neku knjigu na ovu temu Koju preporucujete da se procita…hvala
Честитке Милоше на храбрости да се овај текст објави.
Коначно да се чује истина и саопшти јавно, а да није обавијена плаштом лажи NVO.
Као што рекосте у тексту, од малена нам се сервира прекројена историја.
Изгубили смо идентитет као народ, Србија се продаје и распарчава, трећа колона свесрдно помаже.
Овај текст ће имати одјека код нас “маторих”, рођених до 1985, за нове генерације је прекомпликован, неразумљив и не доноси лајкове.
Изгледа да је потребно да коначно ударимо о само дно, јер се само тиме можемо отргнути од ове модерне пошасти којом нам сервирају истину и одређују правила живота.
При томе и сам користим ово зло, мобилни телефон, али сам ту ЈА, тај који управља.
Гоогле и Мета имају алтернативу, остаје питање: да ли и сваки Србин види то.
Hvala brate Milose na ovom vrlo interesantnom clanku. Moram sad da procitam Zakonopravilo.
Sto se tice tvojih izlaganja, nije ni cudno.
Nas Sv Nikolaj Velimirovic se nije ustrucavao o zidovima, pa ga i dan danas ‘oni’ gledaju kao antisemita, a nasa istorija kao kolaboracionistu (da ne navodim jos).
U pravu si i za Jevreje zrtve..
Nikad nisam mogao da rascistim sa sobom kako je Irod mogao da pobije i “ocisti’ deo Judeje (sad nisam siguran tacno oblast) svu decu jer im dojavljeno da se rodio zadnji Prorok Jovan Krstitelj. Bozijom voljom Sv Jelisaveta, Jovanova majka ga je sklonila od tog pakla..Cija su to bila deca zrtve, nije ni bitno. Evo nas sad opet..
Mili Boze, Isuse Hriste, pomiluj nas gresne. A mene najveceg gresnika.
И мене интересује има ли нека књига на ову тему. Хвла.
Поздрав Оља у следећем тексту даћу књиге на ову тему.
Поштовани Милоше да ли можеш да појасниш део где кажеш да су јевреји славили два дана у седмици? Колико знам славили су суботу само као нерадан дан.
Поштовање Никола,
Извини никако да стигнем да одговорим на овај коментар а сматрам да је важно.
У праву си, нисам се добро изразио у првој верзији текста. Јевреји славе суботу, ми недељу. Међутим, у народу се одомаћио ”викенд” као на западу тј. не ради се суботом и недељом и самим тим православни су прихватили јеврејски празник у своје обичаје и организацију. То је поента о слављењу два дана.
Хвала ти на коментару исправио сам то одмах али не стигох да одговорим.
Велики поздрав.
Hvala Milose.
Ali da nesto rascistim sa vama.
Da li vi ako ovo vec sve znate jos stavljate da je Jevrejski Bog Jahve (o kome se pise uglavnom u SZ-u) isti nas Bog Isus Hrist?
Jer taj isti Jahve naredjuje svakakvo zlo delo u SZ-u, i samim tim ne moze biti nas Isus Hrist. On samo moze biti djavo. Ustvari nas Isus je dosao da nas spasi od Jahvea.
Kazete ovde da je Isus spas, a ranije kada sam vas pitao sto je po vama Jahve vi ste odgovorili (Jer je Sv. Sava tako pisao u znako.) da je Jahve spas.
Hvala lepo.
Поштовање Милане,
Потпуно се слажем. Цео смисао овог текста је да покаже како је прича о јудео-хришћанству лажна. Свети Сава јесте писао у Законоправилу како је Исус код Грка, Јахве код Јевреја и Спас код Срба али Сава то чини у 12. веку када је јеврејски утицај значајно смањен и када су хришћани веома свесни опасности која произилази из учења Талмуда. У Законоправилу има пуно чланова који говоре баш о јеврејима.
Иде још пар текстова на ову тему па ће се открити још многе тајне.
Свако добро.
Мене интересује где могу прочитати и да ли уопште постоји то законоправило Светога Саве. Ваљда је чувано у Жичи док није нестсло у неким од похара.. Одличан текст, решење свих наших проблема је да се окренемо себи..
Можете прочитати овде
Такође можете погледати емисију о Законоправилу овде
Не бих се сложио да није био јевреј – по рођењу ЈЕСТЕ био јевреј. Јудеизам је одлика јевреја и Исус је примио / приступио Јудеизму. Уосталом Црква и слави Обрезање Господње. Такође је познато да се јеврејство преноси по мајчиној линији а Богородица је била дете јеврејског свештеника. Наравно Исус је касније све то погазио и био јасан противник јеврејског материјализма. Из Јеврејске преспективе, Хришћанство (а и Ислам) је секта и некако је очекивано да постоји анимозитет. Из наше перспективе, јевреји су превише ‘практични’ и окренути материјалном. А да будемо поштени, током дуге историје убијања јевреја, често је била и злоупотребљена реченица ‘јевреји су убили Христа’ да би се ‘отписали дугови’ настали позајмљивањем пара од јевреја. Све ово не противречи ЗП – проучавање Талмуда и Торе и духовно општење са јеврејима / католицима / будистима итд. не сме да се дешава, али не видим зашто аутор није био прецизан…
Прецизан сам ја али вам не одговара оно што читате.
Не слажемо се. Ваше мишљење је обликовано модерном пропагандом која је свима позната и у коју су углавном сви убеђени, међутим то није била истина два миленијума. То ново тумачење добијамо касније. Христ није приступио јудаизму већ је увек говорио ”да је од Оца”.
Овај ваш приступ ме подсећа на приступ Албанаца и комуниста према Карађорђу. Ђорђе се доказао као највећи Србин модерне историје али онда се ”паметни” сете да му је отац одавде или мајка оданде иако то нема везе са истином само да би умањили његов значај. Тако је и са Јеврејима и са вашим аргументом о Богородици.
Библија је била јасна око тога ко је убио Христа, као и Јосиф Флавије. Јевреји нису убијани (сем појединачних случајева), већ прогоњени током читаве историје.
Уосталом немам ја шта ту да коментаришем, погледајте шта је написао Свети Сава.
Celokupni Stari Zavet nas vodi ka Hristu. Kada apostoli pominju i citiraju pismo oni misle na Stari Zavet, Hristos ga isto citira. Ima preko 2000 pominjanja SZ u NZ i preko 250 direktnih citata. Najviše se pominje u Otkrovenju.
Prvi hrišćani su se okupljali u sinagogama i hramu dok ih nisu isterali. Rabinski judaizam je nastao kao kontra hrišćanstvu i razlikuje se od prvobitne religije Drugog Hrama.
Ne postoji nikakva suprotnost između dva Zaveta.
Jevrejski pseudoepigrafi su najviše sačuvani upravo na Svetoj Gori i Slovenskim crkvama.
Znate li šta je Hexapla? To je prevod sa hebrejskog na grčki, od strane Origena. Znate li da je apostol Akila takođe preveo SZ?
Slabo poznajete Sveto Pismo i ne bih vam preporučio da se bavite ovom temom jer možete upasti u đavolju zamku.
Помаже Бог Јоване. Прво прочитајте текст, па онда напишите коментар. Чини ми се да сте потпуно промашили поенту. Нигде се у тексту не оспорава Стари Завет, већ нешто друго па вас молим да прочитате.
Са великим делом овог текста бих се сложио али да Христос није потекао из Јеврејског народа тоо…просто требаш негде јавно да изађеш на двобој. У Јовану 4/9 и 4/22 лепо пише ко је. Само немој рећи да ни Нови Завет није тачан.
Колико је Нови Завет тачан зависи од превода. Постоје верзије у којима је реч ”јевреји” замењена речју ”владари” и то баш у јеванђељу по Јовану. Елем, Самарићанка за њега каже да је јеврејин јер јој се тако чини јер је дошао из Јудеје. Он каже да ће доћи спасење од јудејаца. Прочитајте то још једном. Имајте у виду да преко века Библијска друштава тумаче све стихове стварајући јудео-хришћанство и да је то што сте рекли уобичајно тумачење. Може и другачије да се тумачи.
20 Oci naši klanjahu se na ovoj gori, a vi kažete da je u Jerusalimu mjesto gdje se treba klanjati.”
21 Reče joj Isus: „Ženo, veruj mi da dolazi čas kad se nećete klanjati Ocu ni na ovoj gori ni u Jerusalimu.
22 Vi se klanjate onome što ne znate, a mi se klanjamo onome što znamo, jer spasenje dolazi od Judejaca.
23 Ali dolazi čas, i već je tu, kad će se pravi bogoslužitelji klanjati Ocu u duhu i istini; jer takvih bogoslužitelja traži Otac.
Данас људи хрле да је клањају у Јерусалиму и другим местима. А он је ракао да се ускоро неће клањати ни Оцу ни у Јерусалиму јер долази спасење од Јудејаца. Другим речима све ће пасти у воду, цела јудејска религија и клања ће се Оцу у духу и истини.
Многи делови Новог Завета су писани загонетно са идејом да натерају на размишљање.
Поштовање Милоше,
Ваши текстови су увек одлични и вреди их читати изнова.
Само једно питање, зар Тора није старија од Талмуда? Тора обухвата 613 заповести, а Талмуд је настао после Христа. Можда грешим.
С обзиром на ваше врло основане сумње о томе да је изабрани народ баш јеврејски, да ли би неко ко каже супротно од онога како је записано у СЗ могао бити сматран безбожником или противником Бога? Занима ме како би рецимо то посматрао неко од ваших цењених извора.
Хвала вам.
Поштовање Ђоле,
Израил значи ”небески народ”, у Старом Завету се односи на праве следбенике Бога. Данас имамо појаву да су Жиди направили државу и назвали себе израелским народом. Немају на то право више од било кога ко верује у Исуса Христа. Собзиром да они не верују у Исуса, имају мање право на то.
Сви хришћани су Израиљ старозаветни. Верски текстови вековима говоре о Синагоги Сатаниној. Израелци данас за себе не кажу да су хришћани, већ јудеји. Јуда је продао Христа. Ако смо ми хришћани, шта су онда јудеји? Антихристи.
Свако добро.
Веома сам срећна што сам све ово прочитала, после Левашвљевих књига уз Законоправило, иде лакше отварање очију, а после којекаквих библијских друштава јасније је јачање екуменизма у спц, хвала
Хвала вама Драгана, ја сматрам да ће се истина мало по мало временом вратити и људи обновити учење и тумачења.
Zanimljiv tekst ali sada sam zbunjen.
Zar ne pise u NZ u svim jevandjeljima da posle skidanja sa krsta, da je Isus pokopan po jevrejskim obicajima u Jevrejsku grobnicu? Ako Isus nije bio Jevrej sto je iz Galileje dolazio u Jerusalim, jahao magarca da simbolizuje novog Mesiju kojeg Jevreji cekaju i na kraju upao im u hram?
Drugo pitanje, da li to znaci da NZ je pogresno preveden? Jel postoji neka srednjovekovna verzija sa drugacijim tekstovima tj prevodom?
И ја сам био збуњен када сам почео са проучавањем.
Нису то јеврејски обичаји, нити јеврејска гробница. Не пише то.
Он је био Арамеј из Галилеје, говорио арамејски и ишао је у административно седиште провинције Јудеје. Ишао је у јеврејске храмове да их оспори, нападне њихово учење. Јеврејски свештеници су били јако утицајни у провинцији Јудеја. Постоји разлика између термина јудеј, јеврејин. Да, у средњевековним српским списима пише да су јевреји убили Христа, а не римљани како касније измењено. И јеврејин пишем малим словом јер се тада ради о религији, а не о народу као данас.